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Can I have coffee during pregnancy?

Recently I found out that I am eight weeks pregnant. Apart from correcting diet habits and doing regular exercises my doctor has also advised me to cut back on my coffee intake too. But I am addicted...

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Your bad habits are actually good for you! (Video)

‘Don’t drink coffee!’, ‘ditch tea’, ‘don’t bite your nails!’, these are all common advice we have probably received, and told that they are were bad for our health.  But what if someone told you that...

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Coffee — 10 reasons this brew is healthier than you thought!

Coffee lovers, we give you ten reasons why you should start (or continue) with your normal routine of coffee. Contrary to the popular belief that a warm cup of tea is healthier than coffee,...

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This coffee-lemon mix can help you melt off fat and lose weight!

Most of us love our morning cuppa, but have you ever tried using this wonder bean for weight loss? Well, according to studies, coffee can actually help you shed those kilos; the only catch being that...

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How coffee can keep wrinkles at bay

Don’t you just look forward to a cup coffee early in the morning or after a hectic day? Well, this stress reliever has a lot in store for your skin too! Coffee granules are a quick exfoliating...

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Could vending machine coffee be harming you?

Love drinking coffee? Do you reach out for a cup to give you that extra boost ever so often? Well if you are one of those people who love to have this yummy brew from a coffee machine, then this post...

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Caffeine addiction – How to deal with withdrawal symptoms

Caffeine is generally not as addictive as alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and its withdrawal is comparatively easier. Caffeine blocks something called as adenosine receptors in the body. Adenosine is...

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Your bad habits are actually good for you! (Video)

'Don't drink coffee!', 'ditch tea', 'don't bite your nails!', these are all common advice we have probably received, and told that they are were bad for our health.  But what if someone told you that...

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Healthy monsoon recipe: Spiced coffee

It's hard to say no to coffee especially in the rainy season. How about making it yummier and healthier? This spiced coffee has the goodness of spices such as ginger and cardamom that boost your...

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Does coffee cure headaches? (Query)

I am 20-years-old and lately I've been having minor headaches frequently. I read somewhere that coffee helps cure headache. However, I don't want to get addicted to it. What should I do? Coffee only...

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5 ways to take care of your voice

Have you always wanted to be a good singer, or you want your kid to be one? You might not be doing everything right to take care of the precious voice. Former singer, Kanakavalli. R tells you how to...

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3 ways coffee wreaks havoc on your immune system

There is a lot that coffee can do for you, lift your mood; make your feel refreshed, active, etc. However, it is also believed that having coffee when you are low or feel sick can help boost your...

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Say no to cellulite with this easy home remedy

Cellulite is a common cause of worry in women. It commonly occurs in the thighs, making it impossible to flaunt short dresses. While there are a number of treatments in the market which promise to...

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Late afternoon lunch + a cup of coffee = Disaster in your belly

Picture this: You are at your desk, buried under workload, you glance at your watch, it's 3.15 pm, you skipped lunch, you are terribly hungry, sleepy and have a client meeting to attend at 4 pm. So...

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7 smart ways to overcome fatigue and be more productive!

So, you didn't sleep enough last night? Untimely guests, children throwing tantrums, browsing sites for best online offers or just the usual stress, there could be these and many more reasons that...

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Diabetes FAQ: Is drinking coffee safe for diabetics?

November is observed as Diabetes Awareness Month Recently a research reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that people who drink coffee regularly are less likely to develop...

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Having an asthma attack? A cup of black coffee will help

The national burden of asthma cases in India is estimated to be as high as 17.23 million patients, says a recent study conducted by the Epidemiology of Asthma, Respiratory Symptoms and Chronic...

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7 seemingly harmless habits that can lead to depression

It is estimated that the overall prevalence of depression among Indians is as high as 15.9% [1]. In fact, studies suggest that the number of depressed Indians has drastically increased in the last few...

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DIY coffee face mask for glowing skin

When it comes to enhancing your beauty, the fruit masks have always stolen the spotlight. While we love the refreshing fruit face masks, many other delicious ingredients in your kitchen deserve your...

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Weight Loss Tip #125 - A cup of coffee before workout helps you lose more weight

You know that an hour of sweat session can rev up your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day. But did you know that a shot of coffee before a workout can give you a...

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